Wednesday 29 January 2014

Friday 24 January 2014

one year on

Nearly one year to the day of my first blog post - about my first snowfall in Extremadura - last Saturday, the 18th, the highest peaks in the 'sierra' woke up once again with a white crown. The difference, though, is that this time round I'm living a little further away from the Jalama, the most magnificent of all the peaks in the area. The walk along the river nearest to my new village may well become a weekend routine:

The next day there was more snow again, just like last year, and a clear blue sky. This is the view from the road just beside my new home:

But the day was just too beautiful for one to remain inside doing household chores. We went for a long drive looking for the best views of the Jalama and the other white peaks.

This is the Jalama seen from the old and winding road that lead to Acebo, my previous village, and from where one gets spectacular views of the valley. There is also a newer, easier road to the village - which is probably why it gets so crowded in the summer.

After some more driving and walking we headed to another valley where there were a few more white peaks and a river I hadn't visited before.

I think this one really deserves a visit in the summer, when the trees will probably offer a welcome protection to the scorching sun.

With so much going on workwise, so much to see, so much to do, I wonder if I will find the time to start embroidering again...

colour wheel

I've been hearing some inspiring words about colour theory lately. Will I be able to put them to good use? With my hands itching to start embroidering again I just hope that 2014 will see me trying out some new ideas, as well as finding the time to finish off one or two things...

Sunday 5 January 2014

a brief respite

Two weeks of constant rain makes one crave for clear skies. We were lucky that this happened yesterday during waking hours, and at a time of day of beautiful light. Our normal walk is north of the bridge on the picture bellow, through the woods and along the narrow, shallow and tranquil river. But the severe flooding lead us to explore a new path.

The might of the roaring river was breathtaking. 

The path lead to a lovely beach that made one think of warmer and drier times...

And then, after going up an oak covered hill, with its frighteningly slippery ground, one could see the meandering path of the river. Better to wait for the ground to get drier before carrying on exploring...

It was nice to see the Jalama again, the beautiful peak that dominates the sierra, and which I used to see from the balcony of my previous home:

I hope to write a little bit more in 2014!